Shoot Your Shot
When preparing to craft and launch my business social media platforms I slowed my approach like getting ready for a golf shot. I needed to visualize my approach, address the task and then swing. Based on advice to “keep social media profiles limited to a couple of networking platforms” (Jensen, n.d.) in order to maintain visibility I decided to stick to just LinkedIn and Instagram. I chose LinkedIn to build a community and generate exposure with adults and Instagram for the youth. When creating my profile I turned to LinkedIn for tips on how to do it best. In their 20 steps to a better LinkedIn profile in 2020 LinkedIn outlined a great profile has the following; the right profile picture, the right background photo, a headline that is more than a job title, turned the summary into my story, don’t use useless buzzwords, list relevant skills, and spotlight my services. (Fleming, 2020) Although there are other areas these seven seem to aide my brand. Some professional networks in my a...